Here I come with a new jQuery Accordion component. I know lots of accordions are available on the net. But I could not find the one, I was looking for.
This widget-esq script is at once both a news ticker and a mini accordion. It takes a config file of data (headlines, image SRCs, URLs etc) and paginates your headlines into folds. It will optionally auto-rotate through these folds, though you can navigate between them with the numeric tabs at the top right. If an item has 'more info' data set in the config, then clicking the headline will reveal that data in an accordion fashion.
jQuery accordion menus are menus that act like a musical accordion, with regards to their ability to expand and contract based on user interactions. This helps display additional information for the active menu items, while hiding non-relevant information from the user. Additionally, it can help add more content without sacrificing white space, leading to more usable and attractive user interface design.
A combination of an image slider and an accordion, the slidorion displays beautiful images along with a variable length description. With images linked to each tab, and accompanied by a large array of effects, the slidorion is a great alternative to the traditional jQuery slider.
This is a pure CSS3 content accordion based on the Futurico UI Pro by Vladimir Kudinov. This will work on all browsers and devices that support the :target selector.
Accordion menus are very popular since Web 2.0 appeared with new widgets in order to enhance the usability of the sites. The Accordion widget is used to display one page out of multiple sections at a time. It is very useful when the content is very large, but there is a small space to present it. A very good example of an Accordion it is the one provided by jQueryUI, where you can get a good understanding if you are not familiar with the creation of one
Introducing a jQuery tooltip plugin for control-obsessed designers.
Tooltip plugins make it too difficult to control the CSS. So I created tooltipsy to simply provide extremely efficient tooltip functionality. Tooltipsy gives you complete control over the CSS, animation, and position.
We will create isometric interactive interior guide with CSS3 and jQuery.
As usual, we start with the HTML. Here is full html code of our guide page. You can see here main scene (container object), six labels on this scene (with some description), and empty dialog element.
iPicture needs few configuration to make your pictures interactive. First step consists in writing html code containing the pictures. iPicture supports both lists and divs to display the images. This choice makes iPicture compatible with most of the slideshow plugin.
Sequence is the jQuery slider plugin with infinite style. It provides the complete functionality for a website slider without forcing you to use a set theme. In fact, Sequence has no in-built theme, leaving you complete creative control to build a unique slider using only CSS3 -- no jQuery knowledge required!