Smooth Page Scroller effect with jQuery

Page Scroller is a powerful JavaScript based smooth scrolling navigation system that utilizes the robust jQuery library. Created entirely with ease of use in mind, the plugin will work on any website.

Basic Usage

To enable the smooth scrolling plugin include the following files within head tag of HTML:
  • jQuery v1.3+
  • Page Scroller Plugin
  • Page Scroller CSS
    1<script type="text/javascript" src="./javascripts/pagescroller.js"></script>

Getting Started

Instantiate the plugin on DOM load:
2    $('#main').pageScroller();

Rename Navigation Links

Custom navigation link names can be set by passing an array:
1var navLabels = new Array('Home''Portfolio''Services''Contact');
2$('#main').pageScroller({ navigation: navLabels });
The article source: