Parallax scrolling website interfaces have been popping up all over the place recently. I didn’t want to miss out on the fun, so I have put together a parallax scrolling demo built using jQuery and CSS.
How it works
The articles and background layers are given a fixed positioned with CSS, and assigned a
so that the foreground layers appear above the background layers. The four layers are: small clouds, large clouds, balloon/landscape images, articles./* foreground (ballons/landscape) */ #parallax-bg3 { z-index: 3; position: fixed; left: 50%; /* align left edge with center of viewport */ top: 0; width: 940px; margin-left: -470px; /* move left by half element's width */ }
Within each layer individual content elements are absolutely positioned. This was the most fiddly part of the process, since the elements need to positioned in such a way that they align in a pleasing manner when the user scrolls to any of the four articles. In this case it was really just a process of trial and error.
#bg3-1 { position: absolute; top: -111px; left: 355px; } #bg3-2 { position: absolute; top: 812px; left: 321px; } /* etc... */
A few lines of jQuery control the parallax effect, triggered by a scroll event. I was surprised how easy this was to achieve, it is literally just a handful of lines of code.
$(window).bind('scroll',function(e){ parallaxScroll(); }); function parallaxScroll(){ var scrolled = $(window).scrollTop(); $('#parallax-bg1').css('top',(0-(scrolled*.25))+'px'); $('#parallax-bg2').css('top',(0-(scrolled*.5))+'px'); $('#parallax-bg3').css('top',(0-(scrolled*.75))+'px'); }Read more: